Help! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about

We connect retailers with genuine Irish wholesalers!

Wholesale Directory was set up to help assist retailers to find genuine Irish wholesalers. There was a clear gap in the market – most wholesale directories only offered non-Irish based suppliers, which involved importing products, customs charges and VAT charges. There was no easy way to find Irish based wholesalers, yet there was clearly a demand for Irish business owners and enterprenears to access Irish based suppliers.

Where do we find the suppliers?

Our suppliers are found through hours of painstacking Internet searching. We research certain categories and look for wholesalers based on those categories. Of course, if you can't find a supplier in a certain category, we will personally research and find a supplier for you!

How do you know the suppliers are legit?

For each supplier on our directory, we have researched, verified and profiled. The relationship that we have with our suppliers is very important to us. Part of this involves keeping in touch with our suppliers and ensuring that their profile is accurate. We run regular checks on our suppliers to ensure that their details are correct and that they are still genuine!

I am new to all of this, what if I need further help?

We are more than happy to help out! We have extensive knowledge in areas such as setting up your own business in Ireland, tax knowledge, online advertising and website development experience. Please contact us if you are in need of advise.